From the very beginning in 1997, the Central Geological Database had its own website In 2008, at, we set up the CBDG Portal, which expanded the possibilities of publishing data in new web applications. In addition, the portal also hosted, among others, websites of key projects implemented at the PGI-NRI, websites of regional branches of the Institute, a discussion forum and many useful applications related to geological information.
CBDG, of which this portal was a part, is launching a new website. It takes over the entire content of information about the Database, its subsystems with dedicated applications and the functions of the CBDG Portal in terms of access to spatial data, including map applications. The new website is even better adapted to use it on mobile devices. For more and more people, the smartphone is the basic tool for online communication. Currently, about 30% of users connect to CBDG from such devices and we observe a constant upward trend in this aspect. Therefore, all new versions of the CBDG application are also optimized for mobile devices.